Legal Notices & Legal Information


This website is published by Provence Alpes Agglomération - Inter-Municipal Council of the Provence-Alps Metropolitan Area - Haute-Provence UNESCO Global Geopark.
Address: 4 rue Klein BP 153 04000 Digne-les-Bains
Telephone: +33 (0)4 92 32 05 05

Director of the publication:

Jean-Simon Pagès


Espace Beau de Rochas, Av Gutenberg, 04000, Digne-les-Bains
04 84 25 14 48

Design Model Development:

Communication Agency OYOPI

Espace Beau de Rochas, Av Gutenberg, 04000, Digne-les-Bains

04 84 25 14 48

website creation in Manosque


OpenStreetMap® is an open data set, available under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) from the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).

You are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt our data, provided that you give credit to OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you modify or use our data in other derivative works, you may distribute them only under the same license. The full legal text details your rights and responsibilities.

Our map tiles, as well as our documentation, are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA) license.

Leaflet, an open-source Javascript library for creating interactive maps.

Privacy Policy:

Contact Form:
When you fill in the form on our Contact Page, we collect some personal data such as your name, your first name, your email address or your phone number. This data is collected to enable us to respond to your request.
It is kept for 1 year, and is accessible to the staff in charge of information requests and commercial relations.

Statistical cookies:

Statistical cookies help website owners, through the collection and communication of information in an anonymous manner, to understand how visitors interact with the websites. These cookies are kept for a maximum of 2 years.

Your rights:
You have the right to access, rectify, object to, limit the processing of and transfer of your personal data. To exercise these rights, contact us.

How we protect your data:

This site is protected by the HTTPS protocol. Thus, all exchanges between your computer and the website are encrypted.

Procedures in the event of a data leak:

In the event of a data leak, you and the CNIL will be informed immediately (within 48 hours of detection).


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The refusal or deletion of cookies may affect a certain number of functions necessary for optimal browsing on our website. UNESCO Geopark declines all responsibility for any impairment of the website's operation resulting from the refusal or deletion of cookies.

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More information is available on the CNIL website.

Photo credits

Text: Provence Alpes Agglomération - Inter-Municipal Council of the Provence-Alps Metropolitan Area

Images / photographs: Unless otherwise stated, the photos are all or partly the property of Julia Boutron, Charlotte Wagner, Marie-Jo Soncini, Cyrille de Villèle for the town of Digne-les-Bains, Roger Isoard, Philippe Murat for the Tourist Office of Moustier-Sainte-Marie, and the Inter-Municipal Council of the Provence-Alps Metropolitan Area