The Butterfly Garden

Thanks to the water from the Saint-Benoît natural water-spring and a specific environment, in a climate that is both Mediterranean and Alpine, the park of the Promenade Museum is a mecca for biodiversity. To create an oasis adapted to the feeding and reproduction of Lepidoptera (an order of insects that comprises butterflies and moths), the plants in the butterfly garden have been carefully selected. From April to September, more than a hundred species of native butterflies can be observed in the wild. Come and discover these pollinating insects, which are vital to our ecosystem and yet threatened.

The Papillons de Ciné Exhibition, (an Exhibition of "Star" Butterflies), created in partnership with the Digne-les-Bains Cinematograpy Club highlights eight local species whose characteristics make them real stars. Posters of films depicting butterflies and moths complete the exhibition. Enrich your movie culture while learning more about the different species that fly in our gardens.



UNESCO Géoparc de Haute-Provence
Musée Promenade
Parc Saint-Benoît BP 30 156


+33(0)4 92 36 70 70


L’UNESCO Géoparc de Haute-Provence est un service de Provence Alpes Agglomération,
administré au travers d’une Entente Intercommunale avec la Communauté de Communes du Sisteronais-Buëch
et financé par la région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur et le Conseil Départemental de Haute-Provence.

Provence Alpes AgglomérationCommunauté de communes du sisteronnais buëch
Région Sud Provence Alpes Côte d'AzurConseil départemental Alpes de Haute-Provence

Tous droits réservés - 2019 © - UNESCO GÉOPARC DE HAUTE PROVENCE - Politique de confidentialité - Crédits photos - Mentions légales