Refuge d'Art / Arts Refuge at Belon - by Andy Goldsworthy

Refuge d'Art / Arts Refuge at Belon - by Andy Goldsworthy

The hamlet of Belon had 10 inhabitants in 1846 when Draix at its demographic peak had 150.

It was the Second World War that made it part of history. In January 1944, the organisation MUR (The United Movements of Resistance) set up their training school there, which was too threatened in the Asse valley.

At dawn on February 14th 1944, following a tip-off, German soldiers surrounded the camp and captured the Resistance fighters who had not seen the signals agreed with the villagers of Draix.

The thirteen members of the Resistance were taken away for deportation. A few were able to escape, the others never returned. The Germans set fire to the hamlet in retaliation.

The Belon Farm was restored in 2003 as part of Andy Goldsworthy's project to create an Art Refuge sanctuary. This project is run by the CAIRN Arts Centre with the support of the Municipality of Draix.



UNESCO Géoparc de Haute-Provence
Musée Promenade
Parc Saint-Benoît BP 30 156


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