The Lime-Kiln at Bras-d'Asse

The Lime-Kiln at Bras-d'Asse

Until the industrial revolution, almost every village in Haute-Provence had a lime-kiln (up to 7 still visible in Bras-d'Asse) or a plaster-kiln, depending on the natural resources of the land. 

The date of construction of this kiln is unknown, but its construction is quite precise and could date from the time when the village moved down to the valley's lowlands (from 1850 onwards), which corresponded to a greater need for lime.

Limestone is very abundant in the pebbles of the Valensole geological-formation, which constitutes the main part of the geology of Bras-d'Asse.

Limestone is formed from calcium-carbonate (CaCO3). When strongly heated, it becomes quick-lime (CaO) by releasing carbon-dioxide (CO2). It is a very aggressive product that is treated with water to obtain slaked-lime (Ca(OH)2). During processing, carbonate will crystallise again because of the carbon-dioxide in the air and as a result the cycle can start again.



UNESCO Géoparc de Haute-Provence
Musée Promenade
Parc Saint-Benoît BP 30 156


+33(0)4 92 36 70 70


L’UNESCO Géoparc de Haute-Provence est un service de Provence Alpes Agglomération,
administré au travers d’une Entente Intercommunale avec la Communauté de Communes du Sisteronais-Buëch
et financé par la région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur et le Conseil Départemental de Haute-Provence.

Provence Alpes AgglomérationCommunauté de communes du sisteronnais buëch
Région Sud Provence Alpes Côte d'AzurConseil départemental Alpes de Haute-Provence

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